Ladies’ Ministry

Ladies’ Ministry


Our Ladies’ Ministry Program is an active part of First Baptist Church Screven.

We operate under the umbrella of our church guidelines and with Christian values. Our mission is to equip and empower women to glorify God, to develop a passion for God’s Word, to cultivating a heart of worship, to develop a passion for prayer, to build godly relationships through fellowship and service, and to foster a desire for discipleship, and evangelism. Our membership includes ladies ranging in ages 18 and up. In addition, we serve as mentors to the younger ladies/girls in our church family.  We participate in a variety of activities including:

            Ladies Bible Study Classes

            Road Trips to Christian Conferences            

            Ladies Night (Sit down dinner with guest speaker)

            Holiday decorating Classes

            Valentine Cookie Swap

            Cake Baking Classes

            Mother-Daughter Spring Tea

            Painting and Fellowship Class

            Serving breakfast at our Sharing Place Christmas Distribution

            Baking cookies with our middle school girls for our college students

            Secret Sister Program


Our events are part of the church’s Outreach Program and open to the ladies from other churches and within our community.